November was certainly not a good month this year and I was glad to see it go. A lovely friend died from pancreatic cancer after giving it a really good run for its’ money for two years, which is amazing for pancreatic. Then we had the tragic death of one of our own Poorpaws, Honey, a lovely Border Colley who, in her old age, was living with demons she was finding it difficult to cope with. I am a wussy person who does not cope well with bad news – in fact a Chinese doctor I went to see once, told me that, just be looking at prints of the soles of my feet !! I cry for a “oui ou un non” as the French say, which wouldn’t be so bad if I could cry daintily or prettily, but no, not me, screwed up face, great gulping sobs and eyes that disappear into red blobs. If anyone has shares in Kleenex, you can thank me if you get a dividend this year.
Dog adoptions (why has the print suddenly changed colour ??!!) were well down, in fact, non existant. Dear Maddie went off happily to her new home only to be returned a week later because she ran after the cats. Maddie has lived here for a month or so amongst ten or so cats so is quite used to them and in fact has been on the receiving end of many a swipe ! She is only a pup so would not hurt a moggie, she was just missing her playmates here and wanted to have fun with someone. However, the resident cats packed their bags and gave an ultimatum, so poor Maddie lost out. To add insult to injury, as soon as she came back there was a bit of over excited playfighting and she ended up at the vet with a nip to her leg ! Nothing serious and she is back on all four paws again, only limping when she feels in need of a bit of extra tlc.
There was a little bit of exciting news in that our ‘middle room’ ( the room between the kitchen and the bedrooms) was finished, so we have a proper house at last !! It has only taken 14 years !! Of course there is the terrace to complete and lots of ‘little fiddly’ bits to finish off but I think I can honestly say we made it !! Ernst was rather pushed into crossing the finishing line as we are hosting our Strictly Sweepstake finals this year and I offered to do this because I knew we would HAVE to be finished.
December didn’t start too well when I decided that time was up for our 18 year old Bichon after I had found him fallen in his pee and he couldn’t get up. So it was tears before bedtime again as I took him off to the vet. BUT when the vet gave him a thorough examination he checked Lulu’s ‘private parts’ and Lulu started to wag his tail !!! So the vet decided that perhaps he (Lulu) had a few more weeks and gave me some medication for him to help clear his head and reduce the pain in his joints. I’m still not sure, as Lulu is blind and deaf and when not in his large cage, walks around banging into everything or just walks round and round in circles, this when he is not peeing and pooing everywhere. Anyway, I wasn’t going to argue with the vet over something like that and dear Lulu came home again. So it’s back to sleepless nights, getting up two or three times a night to let him out to do his business – I imagine it must be like having a baby who doesn’t sleep through, though I am not suggesting that anyone puts their baby outside to pee !!
Well, it’s that time of year again when the world goes into a consumer frenzy. I’m happy to say that our circle of friends don’t give gifts, saving them for birthdays, but there still seems to be masses to do. We had a ‘Prosecco Tasting’ the other night for a friend’s birthday, think we’ll have a change from Champagne, all very enjoyable. The one that won came from the Italian Deli in Montcuq (yes, we have an Italian deli in the village ! In fact it is on the premises where I had a gift shop back in the 80’s !). Ernst will be going to visit his sister in La Clusaz in the mountains and my pal Sue will be coming over to spend the Festive Season with me. I’d love to go with Ernst but it is impossible to get someone to house/dog sit at this time of year. I went to London last year so this time it is Ernst’s turn.
So that’s it for November, I’m hoping that the next Newsletter will be a bit more cheerful !!! Oh, nearly forgot, it’s getting very brrrrr and we are in need of old blankets / quilts to help keep the dogs warm, so if you have any you are thinking of getting rid of, give me a call. Thanks.
Clearing out a load of boxes at the weekend, I came across my old school report from Hargrave House School in Derby for 1955 when I was six. The headmistress had written “Susan is a very bright and interesting pupil”, hmm, what happened ?!
Sue x
ps Happy Christmas !!!