Book Sale


Next Book Bonanza will be on 5th October 2024 at the Sallle des Fetes, St. Pantaleon. If you have books to donate, please contact me at so that I can arrange to meet up and/or collect. Please do not bring books on the day. Doors open at 09hr30 to 1600. Hundreds of good quality books, one euro, dvds, four for one euro, and cds five for one euro. Childrens’ books free.


Our next Book Bonanza will be on 4th November at the Salle des Fetes, St. Pantaleon (Lot), just five minutes from Montcuq and 15/20 from Cahors. 09h30 to 15h30 Hundreds of books at just one euro, dvds four for one euro and children’s books FREE. Unfortunately we cannot accept books on the day but if you have any to donate, please contact me on


Many, many thanks to all who supported our Book Bonanza on 25th March. I think (hope) everyone agreed there was a great choice and compliments were given and accepted on the brilliant quality of the books. We made 1,761 on the day and generous donations received afterwards brought us up to 2,000. Every cent will be used for the care of needy dogs.


Just to remind you that we are ready to go with our next Book Sale Bonanza next Saturday 25th March 2023. Door opens at 9.30 and will stay open until 4pm, so plenty of time to come and browse and make your choices. As usual at the Salle de Fetes, St. Pantaleon, Lot, just about five minutes from Montcuq and 15 from Cahors. This time childrens books will be free, there will be a Freebie Box, plus ‘Sue has Enjoyed’, Sophie’s Choice and Patna’s Pick boxes. Books 1 euro each, dvds 4 for 1 euro and cds 5 for 1 euro.

So, come along and fill your boots !


Well, we are back ! Our last booksale which was to be our LAST booksale, …….. was not !! I found that I really missed collecting the books and sorting the best ones for your delight, so I am carrying on in a slightly new format. So, the next sale will be Saturday 3rd September 2022, same place, the St. Pantaleon (46 Lot) Salle de Fetes, from 10am to 4pm. The new format is that there will be no refreshments so that I can more or less run the sale single handed. There will be new ideas, for example a Freebie Box, a Miscellaneous donation box, a ‘Sue has enjoyed selection’ and a ‘Sophie’s Choice’ box, chosen for you by Sophie who has 25 years of running a book shop. So I hope you will still come and spend a happy time sorting through the boxes of great books which I have selected for you. There will be hundreds of books at one euro each, dvds have gone down to 50 cents and cds 20 cents. I look forward to seeing new and familier friendly faces on the day.

If you have books to donate, please contact me at/on / 0565245303


All sorted and ready to go on Saturday 3rd September. Hundreds of books at 1 euro, dvds 50 cents, cds 10 cents. Special offers on certain boxes and children’s books and a larger selection of French literature. So, 10am Salle des Fetes, St. Pantaleon (46). See you there !

Monday 5th September – it was great !! Thank you so much to everyone who came and bought and bougt and bought. The total was 1,641 euros, which was fabulous, especially considering some prices were reduced and there was no cakes or coffee !

Next sale Saturday March 25th 2023.